Microsoft Imagine Cup World Citizenship Competition

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Scholarship Description

Find a problem in the world, even in your own life or community, and then work to solve it. Build a project that could change lives. The Imagine Cup World Citizenship Competition is a global contest for the best new software to address social issues, and the winning team will take home $50,000.

Create a desktop or tablet project using Windows, or a mobile project using Windows Phone, or a browser project using Windows Azure and you could win big at the Imagine Cup World Finals in Seattle.

Unless otherwise indicated in the specific competition rules, you are eligible to enter if you meet the following requirements at the time of entry:

• You are at least 16 years of age as of last July and are actively enrolled as a student at an accredited high• school or college/university (including home schools) • You are not a resident of Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, or Syria • You are not an employee or intern of Microsoft Corporation, or an employee of a Microsoft subsidiary, at any time between January and July of the competition year • You are not involved in any part of the execution or administration of this Competition • You are not an immediate family member of (parent, sibling, spouse/domestic partner, child) or household member of a Microsoft employee, an employee of a Microsoft subsidiary, or a person involved in any part of the administration and execution of this competition between January and July of the competition year Scholarship Search